Manasseh:"One who forgets'.
God made Joseph forget all his hardships(Gen.41:51)
Stone /color
Family:Eleventh son of jacob,born to Rachel.Joseph's sons are Manasseh and Ephraim
Size :Manasseh; first Census;32,300.Second Census;52,700.population Greatly increased.
Location:The descendants of Joseph's two sons became recognized as two tribes and were given territory when they entered the promised land.
Manasseh; tow large portions of land east and west of the Jordan River.the eastern section (Golan Heights and part of Syria today) was outside the promised land. Those in the eastern section are referred to in the bible as the Half-Tribe of Manasseh.
Jacobs Blessing: Joseph is "a fruitful vine" (Gen,49:22).Jacob Blessed joseph's sons saying that Ephaim would be Greater than Manasseh the fistborn (Gen,48
Moses Blessing:"may the lord bless (joseph's )land....with the best Gifts of the earth and its fullness" (Deut.33:13-17)
Notable : though Joseph was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers,God raised Joseph to a place of prominence in egypt. Joseph stored up grain for a coming famine . when his brothers traveled to egypt to purchase grain during the famin,Joseph was reconciled to them.he said "You intended to harm me ,but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done ,the saving of many lives "(Gen.50:20).Jeroboam ( who led the secession of northern tribes),Joshua,Deborah,and Samuel were from the tribe of Ephraim( Judg.4; Sam.1; 1 Kings 12; 1 Chon. 7).