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Meaning: "Judge"


Symbol: Snake (or scales of justice)


Stone / Color: Topaz (or beryl) / Color unknown, possibly light green


Family: Fifth son of Jacob, born to Rachel's handmaiden Bilhah



Size: First Census: 62,000. Seconnd Census: 64,400.


Location: Small portion of land that included Joppa (Tel Aviv today). The tribe, however, failed to conquer the Philistines in the land and migrated to the northermost part of Canaan (Judg. 18).


Jacob's Blessing: "Dan will provide justice for his people... Dan will be a snake by the roadside" (Gen.49:16-17).


Moses' Blessing: " Dan is a lion's cub, springing out of Bashan" (Deut. 33:22).


Notable: The tribe of Dan is reprimanded in the Song of Deborah for not joining in battle (Judg. 5:17). Samson was from this tribe (Judg. 13:2, 24). King Jeroboam built a pagan temple in Dan (1 Kings 12:29). Amos includes Dan in his list of idolaters (Amos 8:14).


Lost and Dispersed.

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